The Dream Team

Didier Auroux is professor of mathematics at the Nice University
Jean-Jacques Berthelier is senior resercher in physics. He's coordinator of task 2.
Christophe Besse is professor of mathematics at the Lille 1 University and Inria Simpaf Project Team. He's the coordinator of the project and of tasks 4, 5 and 6.
Pierre Degond is senior resercher of mathematics at CNRS.
Fabrice Deluzet is research engineer in mathematics at CNRS.
Pauline Lafitte is assistant professor of mathematics at the Lille 1 University and Inria Simpaf Project Team.
Stéphane Lannelongue is engineer at Thales Alenia Space group. He's the coordinator of tasks 1 and 7
Alexei Lozinski is assistant professor of mathematics at the University Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3
Michel Malingre is assistant professor at the Paris 7 University
Mohamed Masmoudi is professor of mathematics at the University Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3. He's the coordinator of task 3
Claudia Negulescu is assistant professor of mathematics at the University Aix Marseille 3
Chang Yang is PhD student at the University Lille 1 and Inria Simpaf Project Team